His bus driver is very nice. (Although sadly, I didn't catch her name in the emotions of putting him on the bus.) He got right on and sat in the seat directly behind the bus driver. As she started to pull away, I had to turn away because I was starting to cry. The driver noticed and stopped the bus, opened the door and hollered to me "Don't cry Mom. He'll be fine!" It was nice of her to notice my emotions and acknowledge them.
Ian looked so big this morning and at the same time so small. It was surreal to be putting my little man on the bus for school. (Something that I am sure will become mundane before too long! LOL)
I cried as I turned my back and walked back to the house with Shan, Ian off to start school without us. Shan was very excited for Ian and so was I, but a part of me was sad that my baby was so grown up now. That step to Kindergarten seems like the first big step away from babyhood and into childhood. Even as I type this, it makes me tear up.
The good news is that he had a blast at school. He came home with as big of a smile as when he left and told me that he had a lot of fun at school. (Whew...at least he liked it! LOL)
Anyway, here are some pictures for you.
Thanks to all of you who said prayers for me and him today. I am sure they helped greatly!
Oh my, I know the feeling! Where has the time gone?!
Hang in there mama!!
btw, he is adorable! I think your Ian and my Aiden need to get together sometime!
I completely understand how you feel!! Isaac's first day was Tuesday (I still need to post the pictures and my post) and though he doesn't ride the bus it was still tough leaving him there at school. It is like we have no more little guy!! He loves it so far and for that I'm really grateful! I want him to love going to school so that as he gets older he will enjoy learning even more!! Hang in there!! Haven't seen you in forever, so maybe we can get together sometime!!! The boys would have fun playing together I'm sure! Talk to you soon!!
Is Ian going to Chapel Hill on Arlington? Seems like a long bus ride....I remember the days. He looks so excited to be heading off into the world. I can't get over how much he looks like Uncle David here. Great pictures! Hope by now, mom is feeling a little better about sending him off. :)
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