Andy and Jennifer were married at Stan Hywet Hall and Gardens in Akron, OH on June 21st. Their ceremony took place at the Tea Houses at the end of Birch Allee with the reception immediately following in the Carriage House.
The day's weather had been threatening to rain, but being the optimist that I am (and I think others were too) we were convinced that it would just blow over. As the ceremony took place, a very large storm cell was blowing in from the west. In the distance I could see lightning and we all heard thunder at different points. The best part of that was the fact that it made for amazing images!
About 5 minutes after they were pronounced man and wife and had walked back down Birch Alley and the guests had headed for the Carriage House, the sky opened up with large amounts of rain and even some hail! We also headed for shelter and after about an hour or so we were blessed when the rained had slowed to a drizzle and then stopped completely in time for some beautiful garden images and sunset images. An amazing rainbow even came out so we incorporated that into the day's images as well.
