I don't think that I could have imagined that the last 2 weeks would unfold the way that did. We have been trying to finish moving out of the studio location and subsequently get settled into our home office. Trying to figure out how to get 2000 sq ft of stuff from the studio into a 150 sq ft office space at home is challenging to say the least.
Then add to all of that the deadline for entering the WPPI International 16x20 print competition which is tomorrow. That was surely something that we could handle...little did we know how much time it would really take. We had to select and finish the images, have them printed and mounted and get them shipped to California! Add in the fact that I really do love a challenge and I entered the Album Competition as well. So as of 1 hour ago (and around $800 in entry fees, printing costs and shipping) that is finished! Here are the entries that I submitted:
To Happiness

I'm Ready...and I'm Cute!
All I Need
Time Stands Still
You Can Dress Em Up...
Yesterday was my birthday! (Happy 31st Birthday to me!) Shan and the boys gave me my present early because Ian just couldn't wait! I got a Wii for my birthday and it is a lot of fun. We have been playing a lot of the sports games, but I am looking forward to seeing what other games we can get for it. Ian really enjoys playing it. (In fact, I am not sure that the present wasn't as much for him as it was for me! LOL)
I guess it was a good thing that I got my present the day before my birthday because I woke up at 6am yesterday with the flu! What an absolutely horrible way to spend my birthday and really a speed bump in the road that I don't need right now! LOL So as I type this, I am sipping my Sprite and trying to recover as quickly as I can so that I can get back to work!
So forgive us if we have taken longer to return phone calls and e-mails. We are really trying to get things back to running smoothly, but it will probably be at least another couple of weeks before things are totally back up to speed.
Hope things are better in your life! (Note to self: Get the flu shot next year! LOL)