I know I have gotten behind on my blogging, but unfortunately, my blog is the last thing on my to-do list. I have had a lot of more pressing things that I have had to focus on lately and I apologize.
So we had planned to go to the pumpkin patch to get our pumpkins a couple of Sundays ago, but alas, Ian was in a foul mood all day and there was no way I was going to go on a fun trip with him being so ugly to us! So we decided to go after school one that that week.
This was all well and good...except that it took us forever to get out of the house and by the time we got there it was going to close in 30 minutes and a storm was rolling in!
Being the good photographer Mommy that I am, I was determined to get a few nice pictures of my boys sitting with the pumpkins to commemorate our trip. *Sarcasm alert* Boy was that a good idea!!!
Needless to say, I didn't get what I wanted. We ended up with both boys whining, Christian was crying and
Shan was holding the video camera and not even attempting to help me!
Grrr....(on a side note, we have a pretty funny video of my trying to coerce my children into sitting still, looking at the camera and smiling for me.
LOLSo here are a few from our trip to the pumpkin patch. (The one at the top of the post was the ONLY good picture I have of the boys together!)
This is just downright pathetic isn't it! What a horrible Mommy I am for
wanting some nice pictures!

At least Ian smiled for me. (I have about another dozen of him making goofy faces at me! LOL)

Finally Christian stopped crying and here he is telling me "Hi"

One of these days, I will learn that my children just don't want to be photographed and save myself the exasperation of trying to get a good one!