Thursday, October 2, 2008

Welcome to the World Zachary!

Zachary's trip into this world was by far the longest and hardest I have ever seen. Tammy and Bill's journey into parenthood was never an easy one. After a successful IVF, they finally found out that they were going to be parents. But Tammy's pregnancy wasn't going to be a walk in the park either. Battling gestational diabetes, blood pressure issues and a number of other factors, Tammy had to endure a difficult pregnancy.

I got the call from Bill on Monday, September 15th that Tammy's Dr was sending them to the hospital because her amniotic fluid was low and they needed to go ahead and induce her for Zach's safety. Being only 35 weeks and not making any progress towards labor at all, they were facing a very long induction with the possibility that Tammy would end up needing a c-section if Zach wasn't tolerating the induction.

So beginning on Monday afternoon, Tammy was induced. Bill called each night to let me know what was going on. The progression was slow, but she was showing some progression and Zachary was handling the induction just fine, so they let Tammy continue with the induction since it was her desire to deliver without a c-section.

I went over to the hospital on Wednesday afternoon to find a very tired Bill, Tammy and family. After 48 hours of induction, Tammy still hadn't progressed very far, but she had been enduring contractions every few minutes. I grab a few pictures that afternoon, including some with us walking the hallways in hopes that Zach would drop some more and help the induction along.

This bear is now Zach's. I think it helped Tammy get through some of the contractions by holding on to something that helped her focus on the baby.

Last bare belly picture with Zach snuggly inside. A little to snuggly for Tammy's liking! LOL

The baby book is ready. Now we just need a baby!

I talked to Bill on Thursday afternoon and she still hadn't progressed much, but they were going to let her continue with the pitocin in hopes that she could avoid the c-section. However, by Thursday evening, Zach was no longer tolerating the induction. His heartrate had been up and down and the Dr finally made the call that they needed to do the c-section and get him delivered. So at 10:35pm on Septebmer 18th, a 5 pound 11 ounce Zachary entered our world! Tammy got to see him very briefly before they took him to the Special Care Nursery. (Being a preemie, they needed to keep a very close watch on him)

You can see them wheeling Tammy into the OR. They have the Dad's wait in the hallway until Mom is prepped and then they take him back in.

I sat in the hallway with Bill for a long time just talking and trying to help keep his mind busy. I think it is hard to be alone when you have those kinds of emotions going on and Bill seemed to appreciate the distraction. Then the nurse came to get him and I snap a few pictures as he walked into the OR. It would only be about 15-20 more minutes until he met his son.

Bill came out to the waiting room where I was (and about a dozen family and friends were) in a #1 Dad t-shirt with a huge look of relief, happiness and shock. Tammy was in recovery and they were able to take us back a few at a time to see Tammy and little Zach in the Special Care Nursery. Bill was overwhelmed with emotions and they were both so happy to finally be parents!

I stayed until about 1am and then headed toward home to get some rest. Now, normally I do a Day 2 session with my newborns, but with Zach in special care and Tammy having a hard start to her recovery, I haven't gotten to see them again since that night. Zach had to stay in the hospital for about 9 days, but he is home now. I can't wait to see him again and get more pictures of him.

Congratulations Tammy and Bill! I know you guys will be wonderful parents. Zach is a very lucky little boy to have you both.

1 comment:

Tammy said...

Thank you so much Steph for capturing our most precious moments! You are soo talented!! You're the best! Tammy, Bill, and Zachary =)