Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Busy, Busy, Busy!

So life has gotten in the way of my blogging. (I hate when that happens! LOL) I have 3 great weddings to post, Ian's birthday to post about and another accomplishment to post about....but alas, I am packing to take my boys camping. LOL

Now anyone that knows me well is probably laughing pretty hard at that last statement as I have NEVER camped in my life. (Unless you count church camp and sleeping in cabins with running water.) But Shan and I were lucky enough to get this weekend off from wedding work, so we are packing up the tent and a thousand other camping things and are heading off to camp for a few days.

So my apologies for my lack of blogging and I promise that when I get home, I will get caught up. I will even post pictures of my first camping adventure.

Until then, pray that I enjoy this because I have a feeling with a family full of boys that we will be doing this often! LOL

See you all next week!


Anonymous said...

can't wait to see Erin and Derek's wedding!

Anonymous said...

Good luck with that whole camping thing! We want to go, but it is WAY to hot to be camping in tent here. No doubt we will both have many "fun" camping trips in our future with 3 boys each!

We're looking forward to seeing you guys next weekend!

Angela Oldaker said...

You will have special memories from camping trips. Something about camping just provides some very funny/memorable things like no other vacations. Such as, for us, we are already reminiscing about our camping trip in April. "Remember when we slept on rocks for three days since our air mattress had a hole and deflated?" "Remember when you told me not to pack extra blankets, and it was in the 30s at night?" You can have lots of laughs, stretch your imagination with how you will cook since you forgot a needed item, watch your boys get dirty from head to toe from playing in the dirt all day, and ALWAYS enjoy that campfire at night. I hope that you found your first trip to be really memorable. You will need to draw on these precious memories in later years. And one more thing, you may not be able to appreciate some of your memories when you first get home, but even in the coming days/months you will already be able to look back on it and reminisce.