Thursday, June 5, 2008

On the Boat Again!

We have a sailboat. Did anyone know that?!? I might have forgotten since the last time we were on it was the summer of 2006 when I was pregnant with Christian! We didn't take it out at all last year, partly because I was nervous to take such a small child on it. Now that Christian is bigger, I am less nervous about being out on it.

So we tried to take the boat out on Saturday, but ran into the glitch of a very dead truck battery when we went to get it out of storage. So the most we accomplished that night was replacing the battery in the truck! LOL Shan and Ian were both super disappointed that we couldn't go out, so Shan asked what we were doing on Monday. The calendar was empty, so he said, if the weather is nice, we will take the boat out on Monday.

Now Saturday the winds were a nice steady 15 mph. Very good for a sailboat.

Monday....the winds were gusting to 7 mph. Not very good for a sailboat.

Shan really wanted to take the boat on Lake Erie again, so we took it to Cleveland and launched it on Lake Erie. Let me tell you....I have never seen Lake Erie this calm. It looked like a pond with a glass surface! LOL Not good for sailboats.

So we spent several hours on the water, made it a bit of a distance from the shore, but nothing to write home about and listened to Christian fuss and Ian sing about sailing and directing "Captain Shannon" and "Captain Stephanie". (I think he thought we were on an adventure like the Backyardigans.) He had a blast and even got in the water some....even though the water was only 57 degrees. Brrrrrrrrr.

More pictures from the point and shoot.

Ian is a great big brother. I love this picture. He just looks so protective.

Christian wasn't sure he wanted to be on the boat. This was his first time...and that binky in his now at the bottom of Lake Erie. (He got mad at one point and chucked it overboard! LOL)

Ian loved to stand on the bow of the boat.

This is before we even pulled out of the parking lot.

Hopefully our next boating trip will be a little more exciting! LOL But at least it was an easy start for Christian. (Oh...and did I mention, we found a little hole in the front keel of the boat and it was a little spurting fountain most of the day! LOL We fixed that on the way home.)


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